Formstartposition manual
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Note that you must set StartPosition before a Form is shown for it to have any effect. public enum FormStartPosition { Manual = 0, CenterScreen = 1, Manual, 0. The position of the form is determined by the Location property. WindowsDefaultBounds, 3. The form is positioned at the Windows default location DataSource = this.Deals; frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; //NEW CODE frm.Show(this); }. Answered By: PersistenceOfVision Add(“Information read in from registry”); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; } catch (Exception e) { listBoxMessages.Items.Add(“A problem occurredLeft =0 and StartPosition= FormStartPosition.Manual ). Also, the Form will not fit the bottom border of my screen, if you just use this.Height = Screen. In addition to setting the Location property of the form, make sure you also set the StartPosition property of the form to FormStartPosition.Manual. A FormStartPosition that represents the starting position of the form. The form's position can be specified manually by setting the Location property or
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