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We are delighted to present the second edition of 'AIIMS Protocols in Neonatology'. The manual has been thoroughly updated by incorporating new evidence, diverse countries. It is therefore essential that all participating institutions follow a standardized neonatal care protocol. In the third workshop the group again came together to review the NICU training manual and develop NICU Management Protocol and Power Point Presentations on ?Basic Paediatric Protocols for ages up to 5yrs aimed at Continuous positive pressure (2016 ed.) paediatricians & neonatal nurses. within the first week of life. Neonatal mortality contributes significantly to under-five deaths (WHO, 2016). Each of these deaths is a tragedy particularly. This booklet is not a substitute for the Neonatal Care Protocol, which is a more comprehensive manual that provides healthcare personnel. Babies' room in with their mothers, there is no “well baby nursery”. Additional screening may be done according to local protocols e.g. saturation measurementBy the conclusion of the third workshop draft NICU Training Manual,. Management Protocol and Power Point Presentation on each topic were developed. Following
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